Petal 2 (12" x 7.5", Oil Pastel on paper, 2005) happened accidentally. I should have published the original composition first, but didn't have a photo available and, due to changing this blog template (and struggling with "html", which I know next to nothing about), am out of time, so I'll just work in reverse. Really normal for me, anyway.
Sometimes I'll work on a painting, and keep working when I should just stop, and then I wind up tearing it up when it's no longer fixable. BUT - being the "abstracter" that I am, there is without fail a fragment that catches my eye and I'm off again. That's what happened here; Petal 2 is a strip I tore off one version of Petal 1. It's another piece of a hydrangea bloom, but what it is doesn't really matter; the graceful lines and colors of the fragment were the attraction. I like it much better than the original it came from.
Gives me an idea for next time (and maybe several weeks to follow). I did a serigraph (silkscreen print) of a building years ago. The prints that were misaligned or otherwise defective were destroyed, but WOW! what a wealth of work was created from the pieces. Stay tuned!